

Your timezone is used to determine what day it is for you, when to tick over to the next day, etc.

Default visibility

When you are writing a new post, what you choose for default visibility will be pre-selected.

View interval

This controls what interval is used for showing you past entries.

Assuming today is Friday April 4th:

Email Settings

Periodic reminders

These start somewhat frequent (3 times in the first week) but quickly become rare (once per quarter year). The idea is to maximize your chances of successfully maintaining a journal while still backing off on the generated email traffic if you don't come back.

The time of day that this email is sent is not currently configurable.

Loss of streak

This email is similar to the previous one, but it is only for the day on which you'd lose your streak if you were to not post.

Choose a time of day that by which you expect you will have journaled, and if you have a streak going and haven't yet made an entry, this email will go out.

If you don't make an entry that day and lose your streak, this email won't trigger again until you have posted.